To Jesus through Mary! What a wonderful week! Not sure about the weather where you are, but it was in the 60s and 70s here in Joy Valley earlier this week and we were soaking it in! Last year we had an early snow that stuck around so we never got our outside chores completed before the winter took over. This year we’ve been able to rake, clean, and do some winterizing in the sunshine– what a difference!
As we were thinking about it, the nice weather this past week really allowed us to prepare well for the snowy months ahead. We were given the time to get ready for something we know is coming, and that preparation will make a huge difference. Taking this same thought thread– what if we applied that same principle of preparation while it’s easier, to other things in life?
What we’ve put together today are some ideas for how proper foresight and some key action items can make all the difference in our life (think last week’s gospel about the 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins). So, without further ado, let’s get into this!

Prepare for the Day!
A morning begun well will reap benefits for the entire day! We’re sure many of you say morning prayers and maybe even attend a daily Mass, and that is wonderful! However, if we are not going to battle daily with our sins (even the little ones), then we gotta up our efforts! We highly recommend Fr. Thomas Dubay’s book, Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer, but if you want a quick read, check out Avoid Bad Habits With This Quick Morning Spiritual Exercise!
Prepare for the Coming Month!
With the Season of Advent quickly approaching, we’ve been thinking about how we can prepare for the coming of the Christ child. We are always so preoccupied scurrying about during December to get our homes and families ready for the celebration of Christmas. What if this year, we try to slow down a little, perhaps we try to do some of the prep before Advent, so that we can prepare our hearts and minds during this beautiful season.
Keeping that in mind, we want to remind you that our store, Marian Center Books and Gifts, is open for business. We have some absolutely precious gifts for children as well as unique gifts for everyone on your Christmas list. Stop by sometime or give us a call and we can help. Your support through donations and store purchases, is what keeps the Marian Center running.
Prepare for Your Death!
Thinking about death seems like a good way to ruin your day, but it’s actually the most practical thing you can do! And along the way, it’ll help eliminate time-wasting habits and anxiety about most things in life.Want to know how?Read on!
Prepare for Heaven!
The thought of being with our loved ones and praising the Triune God for all of eternity sounds pretty good! Just the thought of seeing our loved ones again is astounding! But, take a second and think about who else we’re hoping to see in Heaven. That’s right! All the souls in Purgatory that you’ve prayed for! All the saints you have talked to and asked to intercede for you! They’ll be there too and they will know us like we’re friends! Don’t have a real strong relationship with the saints yet? No problem! Check out 5 Simple Ways You Can Begin Befriending the Saints. Wanting to partner with Our Lord and Our Lady to get as many souls to Heaven as possible? Check out 10 Ways You Can Daily Help Save Souls for Eternity by Fr. Ed Broom. With all this preparation, you’ll know lots of people in Heaven!
Sunday Readings
From the very beginning of history God has commanded that mankind should “be fruitful.” This Sunday’s readings hone in on the beauty of the fruitfulness of the home and exhort us to the spiritual fruitfulness that is demanded of Christ’s disciples. The bounty we haul in for the Lord should reflect our expectation that he will come again! Take a look at the readings now so you’ll be ready to hear them proclaimed on Sunday! Also check out Scott Hahn’s reflection for some additional inspiration.
Saint Spotlight
On Tuesday, November 17, we celebrate the Feast of St Elizabeth of Hungary. She was a noblewoman who used the gifts the Lord gave her to feed the poor and care for the sick. To read about how this royal woman decided to forgo the things of this world to help others, follow this link.
Marian Minute
We are learning new things about Our Lady every day! The story of Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquira is amazing! If you haven’t heard of this miraculous image, we highly recommend reading this short piece!
We all know the rosary is hugely powerful but we never really thought of it as having health benefits. But after reading The Rosary is a Devotion of the Heart, Mind, and Body, we can totally see how praying the rosary is healthy, not only four our souls, but for our mind and body! So, let’s take our vitamins, drink our water, and pray the rosary for good health!
Nifty News
We have talked a lot about Blessed Carol Acutis, the young man who was recently beatified in Italy who created the Exhibit on Eucharistic Miracles and Apparitions of Our Lady, which we have currently at the Marian Center. Because of his work cataloging and researching via the internet, many people think he’s naturally a good fit to be patron saint of the internet. For an inspiring story of how a convent attributed his intercession for fixing their issues with the internet, head on over to Church Pop.
Living Liturgically
We’ve got a couple ways that you can celebrate the Faith with your family this week. To celebrate the feast day of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, November 17, follow the links for a video and craft project.
To celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Chiquinquira on November 18, head on over to Catholic Icing.
Marian Center Update
Come see the exhibit on Marian Apparitions, organized by Blessed Carlo Acutis. We’re open Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10-3.
To Christ Through Mary,
Katie Moe and Lori Mercer
P.S. Please forward this email to friends and encourage them to sign up for our email newsletter.
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