Holy Week Edition

Hello and thank you for joining us for another Cause of Our Joy! As usual, we pray that you are doing well and that you are healthy. So much can change in a week’s time. Here in Michigan, we continue to feel the anxiety and strain of a state (and country) experiencing something new and stressful. But, while the cases and death figures continue to rise, we give all of it over to Our Lord and Lady, trusting they have everything in hand. 

This week is Holy Week – how appropriately timed. There is so much we can take and grow from during this tumultuous moment in our world’s history. That’s what we’re focused on today- using this year’s Holy Week as the best preparation we have ever done for Easter. 

So, without further ado, let’s get into this.

Palm Sunday
Many folks have been wondering how they will be able to celebrate Palm Sunday (also called Passion Sunday) at home. Besides tuning into the Mass, check out this link for some at-home ideas for making the kick-off to Holy Week prayerful.

Holy Week
This Holy Week will be a very different Holy Week for everyone. Not being able to celebrate some of the most beautiful liturgies of the year will be a huge sacrifice. We found some really good resources for keeping the week holy at home. Whether you are in quarantine solo or with your family, you can still commemorate Holy Week. These 4 links offer a pretty comprehensive guide: 
How To Celebrate Holy Week at Home During a Pandemic
40 Ways to Observe Holy Week in the Catholic Home
Celebrating Holy Week with Your Family During Quarantine
“You Can Still Do This” Guide to All Things Holy Week

The Mass Clock
During a time when we all are missing our parishes and our friends and, most of all, being able to be present for the Mass, it is good to remember that, no matter when you look at your clock, some priest is offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. How much encouragement this gives us! We found a nifty article that talks about how this was especially helpful for soldiers during wartime. 

Gratitude in a Time of an Epidemic?
It seems a little counterintuitive to practice gratitude in a time such as this, but after reading this article, we have a new perspective on it! Gratitude, even in the midst of suffering takes us out of ourselves and our situation and places the focus squarely on God. Strangely enough, we have been trying to do this for the past couple of days and it has actually made a wonderful difference in our attitudes and prayer! Please try it! 

Marian Minute
This past week England rededicated itself to Mary under the title of “Mary’s Dowry,” but since no one could attend the rededication, folks watched from their homes. So many tuned in that the website crashed! How wonderful that so many wanted to be “be present” for this beautiful event! Check out the link here to read about the history of this devotion in England. 

Nifty News

If you could use some beautiful, calming chant at this moment, check out this link! Two seminarians are providing weekly Gregorian Chant lessons on YouTube! Their goal is to preserve this most holy and heart-lifting music and even to bring it back to the Mass more! Please check out the link and pray for their most worthy efforts! 

Kids’ Corner
If you have small ones at home and are looking for something to do with them for Palm Sunday, check out this free printable resource from CatholicIcing. Also, since the kids are at home more now, check out these kid-appropriate movies available for free through FORMED that would be perfect for these times.

Sunday Readings
The readings for this Sunday (Palm Sunday of the Our Lord’s Passion) can be found here. To read a short meditation on the readings, check out Catholic Culture’s article.

Marian Center Update
For the health and safety of all, the Marian Center will be closed and not have regular hours until further notice. We are open on an appointment-only basis. If there is something that you need, we can be available for you. Just give us a call at 231-347-6279. As always, we keep you and your intentions in our heartfelt prayers during this time. Please pray for your Marian Center as well! 

To Christ Through Mary, 

Katie Moe and Lori Mercer

P.S. Please forward this email to friends and encourage them to sign up for our email newsletter.  

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