The Marian Center has helped numerous parishes across northern Michigan educate Catholics about the Eucharistic Lord. If you are interested in bringing this to your parish, contact Lori Mercer at (231) 347-6279 or email joy – at – mariancenter – dot – org.
The Vatican International Exhibition is comprised of a set of 55 posters about Miracles related to the Eucharist that happened around the world.
The verified accounts date from as early as the 3rd century, the latest in 2001. It’s purpose is to increase the awareness of the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist: the consecrated bread becomes His Body and the consecrated wine becomes His Blood!
The most famous miracle is the one of Lanciano (Italy, 750 A.D.): while a doubting priest was celebrating Mass, the Host turned into a piece of Flesh and the wine turned into Blood and coagulated.
This exhibit has visited over 3000 places and consists of museum quality panels filled with pictures and descriptions of over one hundred Eucharistic Miracles.